By Astrawinata G
Technology is like a double-edged sword when connected with the impact on the environment, but whether the impact is more bad than good? Starting from the process of manufacture, assembly, distribution, and energy required during the run.
So many chemical compounds and heavy metals are involved, such as mercury, lead, and lithium. Especially with the fact that electronic waste is the most dangerous waste in the earth, and also waste a constant crawl up the amount. However, it was impossible to live without technology.
The benefits of technology are also very big on the environment. With the e-paper and e-books, books and documents can be packed in paper and electronic form can be saved in a tremendous amount. The conference was also carried out remotely using a webcam and microfone (tele-conference).
This of course saves transportation costs and operational when the conference was held in the conference room. Similarly, the video call facility and webcam chat. With the rapid development of Internet network, all of these things in a short time will be available in adequate quality.
Social networking and news websites to spread information very quickly. Imagine, how long would it take if the world know the news of the explosion of JW Marriot Hotel Jakarta from mouth to mouth.
Imagine all of this if not done with the technology, would be far more complicated. It is certain that the positive impact of technology is amazing to the world. Similarly, the negative impacts. But there are some tips to reduce the negative impact of technology, among others:
No mobile phones are always changing every year. If you intend to replace the phone, make sure your old phone, recycle or give to others for reuse.
If your computer is still good and can meet the specifications you need, do not impose unutk buy a new one. When you run out of hard drive memory, enough to buy an external hard drive instead of replacing the computer with a memory greater storage.
Never let your laptop or phone charger you remain tercolok to stop contact, because although not connected, the charger will continue to suck electricity. Consider buying laptops instead of desktop computers. Laptops use less material, lighter, saving space and energy, can do anything a computer can do, and more versatile.
Start downloading programs and software on the internet instead of buying his CD installer. Thus, we will save money, save material as well. Ask the store or authorized dealer when buying electronic goods, where we are able to recycle these electronics when it is damaged and not used again. Most people do not ask this, so finally dispose of electronic waste in public garbage cans.
Always try to buy energy-efficient electronics and has a long durability. Use e-mail facility, e-books and e-paper to save paper and space.
Good or bad the impact of technology on life and the environment, of course terpulang the views and opinions of each individual. It all depends with how we use and manage it.
(author is a student at the Medical Faculty University of North Sumatra).
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